@article{zuidberg2024declarative,title={Declarative Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc and Kimmig, Angelika},journal={Artificial Intelligence Journal},url={https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004370224001632},year={2024},}
Semirings for Probabilistic and Neuro-Symbolic Logic Programming
@article{derkinderen2024semirings,title={Semirings for Probabilistic and Neuro-Symbolic Logic Programming},author={Derkinderen, Vincent and Manhaeve, Robin and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},journal={International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},url={https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888613X24000173?dgcid},year={2024},}
Symbolic Learning and Reasoning with Noisy Data for Probabilistic Anchoring
@article{zuidbergdosmartires2020symbolic,title={Symbolic Learning and Reasoning with Noisy Data for Probabilistic Anchoring},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kumar, Nitesh and Persson, Andreas and Loutfi, Amy and De Raedt, Luc},journal={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},volume={7},year={2020},}
@article{persson2020semantic,title={Semantic Relational Object Tracking},author={Persson, Andreas and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc and Loutfi, Amy},journal={IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems},volume={12},number={1},year={2020},publisher={IEEE},}
KLay: Accelerating Arithmetic Circuits for Neurosymbolic AI
@inproceedings{maene2025klay,title={KLay: Accelerating Arithmetic Circuits for Neurosymbolic AI},author={Maene, Jaron and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations},year={2025},}
REvolve: Reward Evolution with Large Language Models using Human Feedback
@inproceedings{hazra2025revolve,title={REvolve: Reward Evolution with Large Language Models using Human Feedback},author={Hazra, Rishi and Sygkounas, Alkis and Persson, Andreas and Loutfi, Amy and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations},year={2025},}
A Fast Convoluted Story: Scaling Probabilistic Inference for Integer Arithmetic
@inproceedings{desmet2024fast,title={A Fast Convoluted Story: Scaling Probabilistic Inference for Integer Arithmetic},author={De Smet, Lennert and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},year={2024},booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},}
Automated Reasoning in Systems Biology: a Necessity for Precision Medicine
@inproceedings{zuidberg2024automated,title={Automated Reasoning in Systems Biology: a Necessity for Precision Medicine},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Derkinderen, Vincent and De Raedt, Luc and Krantz, Marcus},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning},year={2024},}
SayCanPay: Heuristic Planning with Large Language Models using Learnable Domain Knowledge
@inproceedings{hazra2024saycanpay,title={SayCanPay: Heuristic Planning with Large Language Models using Learnable Domain Knowledge},author={Hazra, Rishi and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2024},}
Inference and Learning in Dynamic Decision Networks Using Knowledge Compilation
@inproceedings{venturato2024inference,title={Inference and Learning in Dynamic Decision Networks Using Knowledge Compilation},author={Venturato, Gabriele and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2024},}
Probabilistic Neural Circuits
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024
@inproceedings{zuidberg2024probabilistic,title={Probabilistic Neural Circuits},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2024},}
Differentiable Sampling of Categorical Distributions Using the CatLog-Derivative Trick
@inproceedings{desmet2023differentiable,title={Differentiable Sampling of Categorical Distributions Using the CatLog-Derivative Trick},author={De Smet, Lennert and Sansone, Emanuele and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},year={2023},booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},}
Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains
@inproceedings{desmet2023neural,title={Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains},author={De Smet, Lennert and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Manhaeve, Robin and Marra, Giuseppe and Kimmig, Angelika and De Raedt, Luc},year={2023},booktitle={Proceedings of the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference},}
Inference and Learning with Model Uncertainty in Probabilistic Logic Programs
@inproceedings{verreet2022inference,title={Inference and Learning with Model Uncertainty in Probabilistic Logic Programs},author={Verreet, Victor and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2022},}
Hybrid probabilistic inference with logical and algebraic constraints: a survey
@inproceedings{morettin2021hybrid,title={Hybrid probabilistic inference with logical and algebraic constraints: a survey},author={Morettin, Paolo and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kolb, Samuel and Passerini, Andrea},booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2021},}
@inproceedings{derkinderen2020ordering,title={Ordering Variables for Weighted Model Integration},author={Derkinderen, Vincent and Heylen, Evert and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kolb, Samuel and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference},year={2020},}
ProbAnch: a Modular Probabilistic Anchoring Framework
@inproceedings{persson2020probanch,title={ProbAnch: a Modular Probabilistic Anchoring Framework},author={Persson, Andreas and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc and Loutfi, Amy},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2020},}
The pywmi Framework and Toolbox for Probabilistic Inference using Weighted Model Integration
@inproceedings{kolb2019pywmi,title={{The pywmi Framework and Toolbox for Probabilistic Inference using Weighted Model Integration}},author={Kolb, Samuel and Morettin, Paolo and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Sommavilla, Francesco and Passerini, Andrea and Sebastiani, Roberto and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2019},}
How to Exploit Structure while Solving Weighted Model Integration Problems
Samuel Kolb, Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires, and Luc De Raedt
In Proceedings of the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2019
@inproceedings{kolb2019structure,title={How to Exploit Structure while Solving Weighted Model Integration Problems},author={Kolb, Samuel and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Conference},year={2019},}
Exact and Approximate Weighted Model Integration with Probability Density Functions Using Knowledge Compilation
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires, Anton Dries, and Luc De Raedt
In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
@inproceedings{zuidbergdosmartires2019exactcompilation,title={Exact and Approximate Weighted Model Integration with Probability Density Functions Using Knowledge Compilation},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Dries, Anton and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2019},}
Hybrid Probabilistic Inference with Algebraic and Logical Constraints
@misc{morettin2022hybrid,title={Hybrid Probabilistic Inference with Algebraic and Logical Constraints
},author={Morettin, Paolo and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kolb, Samuel and Passerini, Andrea},booktitle={31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},year={2022},url={https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/tutorials/wmitutorial},}
@inproceedings{maene2025klaycolorai,title={KLay: Accelerating Sparse Arithmetic Circuits},author={Maene, Jaron and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},year={2025},booktitle={Workshop on Connecting Lowrank Representations in AI},}
Differentiable Sampling of Categorical Distributions Using the CatLog-Derivative Trick
@inproceedings{desmet2023differentiablealmost,title={Differentiable Sampling of Categorical Distributions Using the CatLog-Derivative Trick},author={De Smet, Lennert and Sansone, Emanuele and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},year={2023},booktitle={Differentiable Almost Everything: Differentiable Relaxations, Algorithms, Operators, and Simulators},}
Top-Down Knowledge Compilation for Counting Modulo Theories
@inproceedings{derkinderen2023top,title={Top-Down Knowledge Compilation for Counting Modulo Theories},author={Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kolb, Samuel and Morettin, Paolo},booktitle={Workshop on Counting and Sampling},year={2023},}
Tensorised Probabilistic Inference for Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming
@inproceedings{desmet2022tensorised,title={Tensorised Probabilistic Inference for Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming},author={De Smet, Lennert and Manhaeve, Robin and Marra, Giuseppe and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={The 5th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling},year={2022},}
Towards Tractable Dynamic Decision Making With Circuits
@inproceedings{venturato2022towards,title={Towards Tractable Dynamic Decision Making With Circuits},author={Venturato, Gabriele and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={5th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling},year={2022},}
Neural Semirings
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires
In 15th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy), 2021
@inproceedings{zuidberg2021neural,title={Neural Semirings},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={15th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy)},year={2021},}
Monte Carlo Anti-Differentiation for Approximate Weighted Model Integration
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires, and Samuel Kolb
In Ninth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI), 2020
@inproceedings{zuidbergdosmartires2020monte,title={Monte Carlo Anti-Differentiation for Approximate Weighted Model Integration},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Kolb, Samuel},booktitle={Ninth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI)},year={2020},}
Learning from Implicit Information in Natural Language Instructions for Robotic Manipulations
@inproceedings{can2019learning,title={Learning from Implicit Information in Natural Language Instructions for Robotic Manipulations},author={Can, Ozan Arkan and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Persson, Andreas and Gaal, Julian and Loutfi, Amy and De Raedt, Luc and Yuret, Deniz and Saffiotti, Alessandro},booktitle={Combined Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding and Grounded Communication for Robotics (SpLU-RoboNLP)},year={2019},}
Knowledge Compilation with Continuous Random Variables and its Application in Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programming
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires, Anton Dries, and Luc De Raedt
In Eigth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI), 2018
@inproceedings{zuidberg2018knowledge,title={Knowledge Compilation with Continuous Random Variables and its Application in Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programming},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Dries, Anton and De Raedt, Luc},year={2018},booktitle={Eigth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI)},}
Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains
@inproceedings{desmet2023neuralabs,title={Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains},author={De Smet, Lennert and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Manhaeve, Robin and Marra, Giuseppe and Kimmig, Angelika and De Raedt, Luc},year={2023},booktitle={Proceedings of BNAIC-BeNeLearn},}
Inference and Learning with Model Uncertainty in Probabilistic Logic Programs
@inproceedings{verreet2022inferenceabs,title={Inference and Learning with Model Uncertainty in Probabilistic Logic Programs},author={Verreet, Victor and Derkinderen, Vincent and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP)},year={2022},}
Transforming Probabilistic Programs into Algebraic Circuits for Inference and Learning
@inproceedings{zuidbergdosmartires2019transforming,title={Transforming Probabilistic Programs into Algebraic Circuits for Inference and Learning},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Derkinderen, Vincent and Manhaeve, Robin and Meert, Wannes and Kimmig, Angelika and De Raedt, Luc},booktitle={Program Transformations for Machine Learning},year={2019},}
Differentiation and Weighted Model Integration
Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires
In Workshop on Deep Continuous-Discrete Machine Learning (DecodeML), 2019
@inproceedings{zuidberg2019differentiation,title={Differentiation and Weighted Model Integration},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},booktitle={Workshop on Deep Continuous-Discrete Machine Learning (DecodeML)},year={2019},}
@inproceedings{zuidberg2018reactive,title={Reactive Probabilistic Programming},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro and Dumancic, Sebastijan},booktitle={International Conference on Probabilistic Programming (ProbProg)},year={2018},}
@article{miosic2021measure,title={Measure Theoretic Weighted Model Integration},author={Miosic, Ivan and Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.13901},year={2021},}
From Atoms to Possible Worlds: Probabilistic Inference in the Discrete-Continuous Domain
@phdthesis{zuidberg2020atoms,title={From Atoms to Possible Worlds: Probabilistic Inference in the Discrete-Continuous Domain},author={Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro},school={KU Leuven},year={2020},}